The Car Allowance
Compared with the company car option, taxation on a car allowance is very simple as no company car tax or BIK is payable by employees on a car allowance. The allowance is simply treated as employee personal taxable income and taxed at your usual tax rate as part of your income.
If you’re a high rate taxpayer, e.g. 40%, you’ll pay 40% on the allowance, so consider whether the amount of salary you’ll be left with will post-tax will be enough for you to pay for any other out-of-pocket vehicle expenses you’ll also incur.
Comparing the cost of a company car vs a car allowance
Whatever rate of tax you pay, once you know what the allowance amount will be post-tax, compare this with how much you’d be left with post-tax if you opted for the company car scheme. Consider whether you might be able to get a better calibre of car if you took the car allowance and used it to lease a vehicle (instead of taking the company car).
If you are offered the choice of cash or car, you will taxed on the greater of the two benefits, regardless of which option you select, unless the vehicle you drive emits less than 75 g/km of CO2.
Cost to the employee of a fuel allowance
When calculating the total cost to you of each option (i.e. a company car and a car allowance) keep in mind any fuel allowance which you may also be offered and how this will impact you financially. To learn more about how to calculate what this additional benefit will cost you, read our employee guide to fuel allowance.